Public transportation

Mummies, how do you manage taking the bus/mrt alone with your baby pram? I’ve been wanting to go out alone with my baby but the thought of taking the bus (especially if it’s crowded) with my baby in the pram is giving me anxiety. Baby wrap/sling/carrier is out of the question. Kindly advise or share your experience! ?

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I rarely take bus. I plan my route properly, if short walking distance I will walk rather than taking the bus.. and prefer MRT more. Its soo convenient just that you have to walk abit towards the lif instead of taking the escalator. And one thing, most of the time people give way to prams but some are just too selfish. Just go out alone with your child. You will be fine... I have the same issue at first too

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If at MRT, must have skills & confident to manoeuvre your pram around. Say sorry ar, paisey ar and thank you is the most kindness thing that we can set a good example to the other commuters. If u saying feeder bus, wheelchair comes 1st. Auntie with market trolley comes 3rd, I guess? Hehehe Make friend with bus uncle, your journey will be smoother. Lol. Cheers to u. *On the count of 3* Me: 1,2,3 TAP: MOMS!

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Mrt is easy bus it might not be easy. Just put everything in your stroller and push baby around. My baby won't make noise when she's in pram. When she's tired she just sleep.

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When it's peak hours it can be so difficult to travel with a pram, so maybe try avoid these timing. Or if really need to, get those easy foldable pram.

Hi, I think first start with off peak timings in mrt and bus. Should be manageable and after that you will be able to manage in normal times as well

Try to get a foldable pram when taking public transport especially if it is during peak period

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Preferably to go out during off peak and you can push the pram to bus. It would be better.

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Use lift most of the time. Cannot rush. Must expect to take longer time

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I go during off peak. So it's not so bad.

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I try not to go alone with stroller.