6 Replies

Super Mum

Hi mama, Firstly congratulations on the birth of your baby! Second, hang in there! Baby is probably going through a growth spurt which involves lots of cluster feeding - baby feeds more often like he’s on a buffet - and fusses a lot. This goes away anytime from 2-3 days to a week or so later so not to worry. It’s a phase and it’ll pass. Have you tried baby wearing him? Most mamas find it helpful. Baby will feel very comforted by your smell and heartbeat. If you’d like to learn more about growth spurts, there’s an article here: https://kellymom.com/hot-topics/growth-spurts/ Do you breastfeed mama?

Thank you for the reply! I see.. I suspect it is growthc spurt too but I am uncertain. I haven't tried baby wearing. am still waiting for my konny baby carrier to arrive. 😅 Yes, I'm am breastfeeding him. 😊

My baby used to be like that. He went through growth spurt and it was really frustrating. He also cluster feed. But growth spurt may lasts up to a week. No matter how I swaddle, tried to feed him, it does not work so I let nature takes it course. He has also had colic. Cried for hrs and hrs. Brought him to a PD and was prescribed Ridwind. Only 1 take and he became his normal self.

High chance it's growth spurt because of the cluster feed. Colic is usually crying for hours. Hang in there alright! I know it's gonna be a frustrating time but this phase will go away on it's own. You will also need a helping hand during this time.


my baby have difficulty to fall asleep once she turned 1month old, even i rock her or carry her she would keep crying. then i tried to gv her pacifier, she can self sooth and fall asleep by herself until now she is already 4.5mths old. yes we all know pacifier is not good, but still better than not enough sleep. baby need alot of sleep to grow

Thank you for the reply. :)

did you swaddle the baby ,. after feeding or change of diaper try to massage , put ruyee oil .or change new clothes . carry him talk to him . .. could be growth spurt / colic . since you say his sleeping pattern changed

Thank you for the reply. :) Yes, I did all those. I see. Ok, hopefully he will be back to normal soon.

My baby was unable to sleep like this. Lastly i found that he was having colic.

May I know what did you do to help him sleep?

Might be colic ba

Thank you for the reply.

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