Feeding gripe water for gas

Any mummies giving gripe water to your babies? How would u give gripe water to a 2mo pls? Any relief to your baby after feeding?

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Hi there. Well I heard it works for some babies, but it didn’t for my son when he was a newborn..he vomited out everything instead. So I guess it’s more of try and find out. But ultimately we just switched to a more suitable easy to digest formula and it worked wonders for my boy.

Personally I don’t give gripe water as I heard it’s quite sweet and it’s not scientifically proven to help? I give my baby ridwind though! It helps a lot. I also give my baby massages everyday and burp her as much as possible to help relief the gas in her ☺️

6mo trước

i think it depends on individual. My niece took ridwind it doesn't really work for her but a change of formula milk solves the issue so just need to trial and error 😁

I think it really depends. Works for some doesn’t work for others. it’s not exactly proven to work just that older generations used it.

Yes it works well for my baby, she became less cranky after taking it. Can oral feed via syringe

6mo trước

Hi, I feed the amount according to the instructions on the box. No need to mix with water

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It may be suitable as a remedy for stomach upsets and colic in babies.

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syringe... hope it works for ur LO

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use syringe

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