Breastfeeding / Pumping breast milk

Hi mummies, FTM here. How long do you breastfeed or giving your breast milk to your little one? I'm having trouble breastfeeding / pumping, so I'm curious and also afraid if I give my little one only formula milk, people would judge me. Of course, I'm trying my best to feed the breast milk. If you have any tips using the breast pump, please share!

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I’m a low supply mom. I hate the mom guilt that we are not providing “enough”. I came across a message that says “breastmilk isn’t the only good food that you’re going to provide to your child thoughtout his/her life”, it somehow lifted the weight on my shoulder. Now I share it with you, hope it lightens you a bit. Drink more fluid, take breastfeeding supplements, check the flange size. Take care!

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