Clean baby’s poo

Hi mummies, FTM here. Heard that its recommended to clean baby’s bum using water instead of wet tissue when baby poo unless if necessary or at night. If using water, when opening the diaper, how do you clean off the excess poo from baby’s bum first? And afterwhich you bring baby to toilet to clean using running water ? do we need soap or just water? #FTM #advicepls

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I would wash baby's bum in the sink regardless the amt of poop as it's much cleaner tt way. I use a little baby soap. Wet wipe is only for pee but not all the time meaning aft 2-3 diaper change due to pee I'd still wash his bum and wipe dry. Boy is alr 1+ year old and never had any bum rash before. I just can't stand the thought of using wet wipe only for poo unless we're travelling and difficult to find a changing room.

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