Polyclinic/public hospital

Hi mummies, a few questions I have which hope you ladies can help: -How many weeks pregnant before you visited the polyclinic for referral? -how much time should I prepare to spend at the polyclinic? -From polyclinic to visit public hospital (NUH), how long was the wait? Days, weeks? -every visit to NUH (subsided), how long is the wait? Thank you!

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I will be 6 weeks on Friday, going down to polyclinic to get referral letter on sat. Hmm you can expect to spend abt 1 hour at polyclinic (if you have book appt) from seeing doctor to sending your pee sample to confirmation on your pregnancy to collecting medicine, payment and referral. My previous pregnancy was at kkh. The first visit took abt 3 hours. Subsequent took about 1-2 hours

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