Cradle Cap Like Blister
Mummies any of you experiencing baby's cradle cap to be like this?,I feel like it's so pain. Can it be allergy from breastmilk also? Any medication or doctor pediatrician can recommend with reasonable doctors fee?. Tia

Mummies thank you so much for all your advise. Bring him to polyclinic but the medicine doesn't seem work well. I've search for this mustela shampoo and cream. And it works amazing. 2nd day and he's head looks more clean and less irritated and itchy.

I doubt it is allergy unless it appears in other areas on his body as well. If you recently shaved your baby's head could it be irritation caused by the shaver?
Hi, Best to consult the PD asap for this. The OD can suggest some cream or lotion for relieving the pain
Thanks mummies. But do u all have encountered someone saying maybe allergy from breastmilk?
Looks very pain, see a pd if need other cream beside cradle cap shampoo
did u shave baby hair or pick at the cradle cap? how often do u shower baby?
try to avoid washing baby’s head more than 1 time per day
Yeah best to visit your GP for them to recommend treating it
Better consult PD quickly. Most PD Accepts CDA Payment 😊
Best for you to bring your baby to the pediatrician asap
Please see a GP or pd soon
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