Hair fall

Any mummies experience hair fall after postpartum? Isit normal? Kinda annoyed cause my hair is scattering everywhere. Any remedies to this? :(

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It’s a phase, it will be back to normal. Some mothers opt for hair and nail supplements. I just use hairfall shampoo easily found in Guardian/Watson’s.

Super Mom

It’s normal due to hormonal changes. May last up to 1 year I think. Some antihairfall shampoos may help

Hi, Hairfall is common due to hormonal changes. Try using Trichoderm shampoo. I think it should help

Influencer của TAP

Me and surprisingly i use this ginger shampoo my hair fall stop within 2 weeks and hair start growing

4y trước

Hii, may i know which brand you are using?

Thành viên VIP

Yes hair fall is normal after giving birth. You can try anti hair loss tonic shampoo.

Yes me too, all over the room . I guess its normal because of hormonal changes

Super Mom

It's normal. I'm 10mths pp and still having hairfall

Thành viên VIP

Yes is normal,can try some anti hair fall shampoo

Normal but see hair specialist

Same due to hormonal changes.