EDD tomorrow

Hi Mummies, my EDD is tomorrow but I still don't experience anything to show I'll be giving birth anytime soon. Except felt pain at my V when I walked. what should I do to induce labour naturally? I'm afraid of being induced by doctor tomorrow. ?

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Hi mummy, my EDD is also tomorrow. No signs of labor yet too except some pressure on my pelvic area. I’ve been walking a lot everyday for the past 2 weeks to try and induce but to no avail. People around me said it can start in a matter of hours so let’s be patient. My gynae had advised me to be induced on Sunday but I really hope baby will come naturally in the next two days. Goodluck to both you and I!

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5y trước

Hello, I will be induced this Sunday! Goodluck😊

Hi, experiencing pelvic pain could be one sign of contraction. Do visit your gynae and get advice asap, they will be able to check whether it is contraction or not. Practise deep breathing (very important esp for natural delivery), talk to your baby and ask baby to come out soon, can also try light walking or pelvic floor exercises. Take good care and have a safe and happy delivery!

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Same as u I had pelvic pain while pregnant. After induced alamak it triggered more pain from that area and I couldn’t even walk properly after half an hour. I did not experience any natural contraction too but at the point of induction I was already 2cm dilated. Just to share my experience, yours could be different.

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I was less than 1cm dilated on my final appointment then the doctor wanted to induce if I didnt deliver by edd. So i walked all around town for a few hours and the next day at 4am I had contractions and baby was delivered by 10 plus am. So my advice is walk as much as you can. All the best! 💪🏻

Just keep active! I delivered a day after my edd. Like u, i was worried. So i went for a long walk, took the stairs, followed some light workouts on youtube. Take care.. baby is definitely on the way out.

Thành viên VIP

I don't think you should be feeling anything until labour has actually started. Some suggestion that may induce labour: walk more, do squats, have sex (if u are feeling up to it) 😁

Thành viên VIP
Super Mom

Do walking or go shopping. But once water bag burst, please go to the hospital with your stuff.

Gave birth at 40weeks 2 days. Was induced at hospital. Long journey🙊

Super Mom

Squats, housework, lots of walking, some people say intercourse