Sweat a lot
Mummies, did you sweat a lot during your confinement? I sweat a lot even though the aircon is turned on, I woke up with my hair all wet with sweat, is it normal?

Yes absolutely normal. I remember constantly perspiring during confinement... Least you still have aircon. I don’t use aircon at home... Was feeling eeky most times. haha
Sweating immediately after the shower and during meals! I also woke up in sweat even in 26 deg aircon room!
Yes yes. Eat also sweat, drink also sweat. Bath finish or wake up also sweat 😓
Yes, because the food you eat during confinement is heaty
yes!!!!! my husband say he v cold but I'm super hot 🔥
Yes, especially after eating the confinement food
Yes it's normal mayb due to ur diwt
Hey, Yes, it is very common
Yesss. It’s v normal.
Yes it's normal(: