Oral wipes for newborn
Hi mummies, did you buy oral wipes for yr newborn? Is there an alternative to cleaning or actually dont need to clean? Tyia!
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Hi mama! I was recommended to clean my newborn's tongue by a pediatric dentist. You can consider using a wash cloth with cooler boiled water. I alternate wash cloth and wet wipes. I use Suzuran baby's packet cotton wet wipes with sterile water. https://www.suzuranbaby.com.sg/collections/baby-oral-care?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaLNb1oPciq790C19RdygwRaIFiirob7K_a3P8zvVVNwxVNKpCW3s-AaAsybEALw_wcB
Read moreJust use cloth and warm water. Need to clean everyday.
Use cotton cloth and warm water
Wash cloth & cool boiled water
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use cloth n cooked warm water
4y trước
Thank u ☺️
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