Should I sell my rocker due to space constraints?

Hi mummies and daddies! I'm currently expecting and baby is coming out end June. I was blessed a rocker by my friend. However, I don't have space to even set it up after I set my baby cot as I am living with my MIL. I'm not sure if I should keep it until I move onto my own house (Ard next year and baby will be 6 months) or should I sell it. Is a rocker necessary for you parents during the first 6 months?

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As i took care of my baby singlehandedly after my ML, a rocker was rather helpful and safe as its a place where i can put baby down and buckle him up without any worries when i needed to do some chores around the house. He seemed to be entertained by the hanging mobiles on the rocker rocker too, but just for a short while when he was a younger baby. Now that he is 6.5 months, he can reach out and grab it so he enjoys sitting on it more. However, he has clingy cranky days where he refuse to sit on the rocker, but i dont see it as an issue.

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4y trước

Okie thanks so much for sharing!(: Kudos to you for taking care of your baby single handedly! I admire u!