Baby drinks how many bottle of milk in IFC

Hi mummies, just curious, those that send their baby to IFC when they baby is around 3 months, and theyre on formula milk, if you send them full day, how many bottles of milk do they drink in a day in IFC? And every how many hrs? Somehow my baby most of the time can survive 2hr 50 mins or 3hrs 120ml at home however at school he’s drinking like every 2 1/2hrs, which is like 4 bottles. And im worried if suddenly theres not enough bottle & formula powder in his bag for that day. Is it normal to bring 4-5 bottles & formula dispenser?

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Hi mummy! For my case, I just put a full tin of formula there (please remember to label!) and pack about 4 bottles (also labelled) daily in my LO’s bag. It’ll be much easier for you as the teachers can prep the formula for your baby on the spot, without having to carry so many things on the daily.

Hello! Honestly, i only prep 1 milk bottle with a milk dispenser which has around 6 compartment for the milk powder. My child is turning 7 months and she's drinking 150ml within 2-3 hourly. When my husband fetch and check her things, it is more than enough of what i pack.

I was advised to put the right amount of milk powder in the dispenser. My child is 5 months old and drinking 180ml every 3 hours, i brought only 2 bottles!

I bring one milk bottle with 5-6 feeds in dispenser,

i will put in the bottle dispener for each feed