No epidural

Hi mummies! Contraction feels like very bad menses cramp? Without epidural, can ‘survive?’ 🥺 pain tolerance quite high. First time mum here:)

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since your pain tolerance is high, decide on the day itself! u can feel how it’s like then if u decide u want epidural, ask for it. u have to get it before 8cm tho

Thành viên VIP

I survived without epidural or any of those gas and injections. My hubby was my best cheerleader and pillar of support. You can do it!

Super Mom

Just decide for yourself. Once you experience it, you will know if you can handle it. Ask for epidural when you cannot take it.

Starting can endure, but for me i went for epidural at 3 cm, was in labour for 24 hours. It depends on yourself actually😅

Try hypnobirthing techniques. And bouncing on a birth ball definitely helped to reduce the pain of contractions

U will know when it comes. I was in labor for 1 day, stuck at 3cm. Took epidural and ended up with a csect! :

Thành viên VIP

Contraction can tahan. But not sure if my below can. Cause stuck at 5cm end up emergency csection too

Thành viên VIP

Can survive if u know how to relax when they insert their hands in to check how much u have open up

4y trước

Can i ask is this very painful/a must go through process? First time mum here ><

U can decide on the day itself . Every woman have different birth story and all the best .

Thành viên VIP

If your pain tolerance is high, I think should be bearable.