Any mummies here used epidural? How bad is the pain of the injection?

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I hated needles and I always insist on experienced nurses whenever I need jabs otherwise I will cancel and rearrange for another appointment. My ex husband talked me into taking an epidural bcoz he didn't want to see me in pain so I did. He wasn't allowed to be with me when it was being administered and it freaked me out. It didn't helped that you have to be really still when they nurse pokes you. I cried when the nurse poked me and bit my lips so hard coz it hurt like hell. Worse is that she had to administer it a couple of timea coz I wasn't spposed to be feeling so much pain. But of coz, once it's done, my ex husband quickly rushed in and let me cry on him. Then I felt so much better coz I felt no contractions at all and was even able to nap lol

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For C section ,my experience was not a pleasant one.i dont want to scare you because we all are fighters matter what we go through some sort of pain.Maybe it depends on individual pain threshold la.for me when they ask me to sit down and inject it was very uncomfortable and the leg feel electrocuted for a moment!Then the worst part i feel people digging my tummy and end up given morphine! Gosh it was super unforgettable moment and yes this will be my last pregnancy because my body reaction since pregnancy till give birth and today is not good . Anyway dont be afraid mummy all will be well.Goodluck and dont forget to say ur prayers too.

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6y trước

It was a scary s*** and i cannot op for general anaesthesia either.An unforgettable experience indeed

I was in labour before taking epidural. I really tried my best to endure to the maximum tolerance level I had. Hahaha. By then, all you would know is the pain of your contractions. I was shocked when I saw how elaborate the epidural process was and the needles involved! But trust me, you have no time to worry about that. Contractions are worse. The epidural process is quick and painless. Probably just a prick and some sensation but nothing near labour.

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Iam needle, hospital and doctor phobia. Frankly it freaks me out. I cant even stand blood test. However, during labor the pain exceeds everything else. I went with epidural, nothing compared to labor pain.

To be frank I am more afraid of the long needle than the contraction pain. Reading from your experiences in using epidural I might consider epidural for my no.3 if my labor pain is longer for this time round.

Epidural injections are for pain relief. I had it during my second pregnancy. The injection is not that painful to take. SO dont worry and go ahead :)

Yes use epidural! It's a lifesaver. The pain is quite minimal and bearable, and nothing compared to the pain you will suffer if you don't take it!


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