When was your last period? Are you regular? My last menstrual period was 7 Jan and I’m quite irregular. On 12 Feb I noticed pinkish spotting the kind that would indicate my period is coming so I wore my pad as usual and waited the whole day. 13 Feb still no sign of period coming. 14 Feb I decided to do a test on my clearblue kit in the afternoon and turned out positive. My first appt with KKH was 26 Feb and doc said I was 5 weeks 4 days through a pelvis ultrasound. Really not sure how it was counted cause based on LMP (last menstrual period) I should be about 7 weeks (I think?) on my KKH appt.
So depends on how regular you are. Are you TTC? Maybe wait for another week or end of the month.
Blood during intercourse could indicate a small tissue tear, but does it hurt? Sometimes I get some traces of blood after intercourse previously but that didn’t alarm me. And there was once or twice my period would come just one day (not so much blood at all) and that’s it.
If you’re worried, can check with you doc after your “normal” waiting period.