Change swaddle
Hi mummies! Do you change your baby swaddle everyday? How many swaddles should i get? Thinking of getting the velcro one. Thanks!#pleasehelp #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls

First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck 😊 To answer your ques, I used the wrap around style and changed every alternate day, unless soiled. It's better not to use same swaddle for more than 2-3 days for hygiene purposes. Depending on how often do you plan to laundry, you can calculate the number of swaddle you should buy :) Always keep 2 extra for emergency usage though. Never used velcro one so can't comment but upto you if you find it convenient.
Read moreWe bought 3 velcros one initially. And yes, we change whenever milk leaks on the swaddle..ended up buying another 3 velcros one.. but i do have a lot of those that you need to ownself wrap them (4 from anais, 3 bamboo ones, 1 frm hosp, 1 from gynae clinic) 😂 i tink it boils down to how frequently u wash them coz frankly i didnt use the ownself wraps one yet except from the hosp come hm.. and one time when we run out of velcro ones 😂😂
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I started off with the blanket style but slowly baby started to move and get out of it so I change to the velcro type. Usually I change it every 2days as baby only use it during their sleep, so it is not very dirty. But if your baby’s skin is those sensitive type, it would be advisable to change it everyday. Hence, u might need around 3 swaddles incase of raining day/ bad weather.
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I had 2 Velcro ones and numerous wrap one. my gal outgrew both by 2nd mth. personally I find the wrap one more versatile, as it can be use as swaddle, blanket, bed cover etc. they have to be changed daily. in fact I use numerous of them daily, due to overflow cloth diaper, milk spillage etc
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It depends, especially if baby wets the diaper and leak on the swaddle or there are milk stains on it, you should change it as often as possible. But same with bed linens, it should be washed every week.
thank you!!
I got a few freebie swaddles listening to cord blood bank ppl heh can try them out
Hi, i bought 5swaddles. Assume will change it everyday ☺️
thanks a lot!
I changed the swaddle daily.. I have around 8 swaddles..
thanks mummy!
8pcs in total change after each use
thank you!