Staying alone

Hi mummies, my baby is now 2 weeks. Anyone like me as my hubby is back to work so usually the whole day is just me and baby. Do u have a feeling of being lonely, sad?

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Yes it does feel lonely and isolated. Having friends / fellow mummies as support really helps, even if it’s just over WhatsApp. It’s also a lot of adjustment for mummies, because suddenly our lives revolve around the baby, we are not working, no social life, lack of sleep. Hang in there!!! It will get better over time :))) find things to do that will bring you joy - be it reading, eating good food, watching dramas!

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4y trước

I’m not sure for now. But in the past on FB, I would join those mummies groups, then ask if there are mummies with similar EDDs who are keen to form a WhatsApp group. I was lucky to find one during my first pregnancy - and it really helped me tide over those sleepless nights.