Staying alone

Hi mummies, my baby is now 2 weeks. Anyone like me as my hubby is back to work so usually the whole day is just me and baby. Do u have a feeling of being lonely, sad?

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Thành viên VIP

I experience this for 2 weeks and I know the helpless feeling. Try to be positive and get a schedule for baby. Jiayou!

Hey...u are not all alone for a year now.its just me and my gal 24/7...ull get us eto it.

Super Mom

Just to share, my wife joined a group where mummies bring baby to meet up and talk

4y trước

Same I'm keen pls share more details.

Thành viên VIP

Its okay mummy. *hugs. Please rest as much. It is normal to feel this way

Yes I felt lack of social interaction.

Thành viên VIP

Yup, and it is normal to feel sad.

Thành viên VIP

Usually I go online shopping. 🤣

4y trước

Haha. Yes! Is like an addiction. I shop more than usual during that period. Somemore during my confinement is the 10.10 /11.11 timing. So many sales!

Super Mom

U can join a support group.

Yes. Post partum sadness

Thành viên VIP

try to join mummy support group

4y trước

Mind sharing how to join the support group?