Solid for 8 months old baby.

Hi mummies my baby currently 8 months. I tried giving her apple puree, pear puree and banana puree when she 6 months plus. I started her solid ABIT later but I realised that she only love her baby bites. I tried giving her like nestum, different types of flavour but she seems not to like it. Quite worried. Tried giving her banana for her to hold but she just hold but didn't put inside her mouth. Help pls. What can I do to make her wanna eat instead of just eating biscuits. #1stimemom #stresswithhersolid

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don't give purees or cereal then. give whole foods. my lo HATED purees n cereals, so I did BLW, she was much more interested

2y trước

Noted mummy !! What food did you try to give to Ur Lo? I tried BlW like banana and papaya but she still not interested.