Symptoms of having a baby boy?
Hi Mummies of baby baby boys! What were your symptoms when you were pregnant with them? How many months it was detected? Google is making confuse

My symptoms with boys - little or no acnes, nausea till the 3rd trimester with my previous pregnancy (currently 25 wks & nausea on and off), bigger belly, lazy & I sleep alot 😂 I knew I'm carrying a boy because of the symptoms above & it was confirmed during the gender scan. With girls, I had terrible acnes, swollen nose, no nausea, super active, I can even push & arrange furnitures like bed and wardrobe at home by myself. Symptoms differs for everyone & each pregnancy. Also, don't trust old wives tales like with boys your belly is sharp, with girls it's round. My mum thought I'm carrying a girl cos my belly is round but it's a boy instead
Read moreAt first, I had a strong sense it's gonna be a girl, furthermore with both mothers saying my belly looks rounder to the sides and I had nausea in the first trimester.. but lo and behold, it turns out to be a boy. In the first tri too I had quite a lot of acne which I usually get before my period but somehow it subsides alot in the 2nd tri and few to none now in the 3rd. Belly protuded more to the front in the middle of 2nd tri. So I don't think there's any consistent sign abt baby being a boy. I knew the gender at Wk 12 when I got my NIPT results.
Read moreI believe it differs for everyone. Here majority say they had bad nausea and major morning sickness, acne problems and all. I'm week 21 now and I was told I'm having a baby boy during last scan. But I do not have any of the above stated symptoms. No morning sickness, no nausea, no vomiting, no tiredness (except for the first 4-5 weeks), no acne so far *touchwood*. My belly is bigger so my MIL guessed it could be boy.
Read moreMy tummy is round with a boy inside. I had very bad nausea from week 5 to around week 14. Had to resort to anti nausea pills so that I could get some nutrients from eating. Even then, I would still puke at least 2 or 3 times a day. But from 2nd trimester, the nausea ceased, energy and appetite came back. I craved cut chilli padi and sweet stuff. My symptoms aren't typical for boys.
Read moreevery1 is instinct tell me in carrying boys..and im right. i had the normal: crazy morning (to night) sickness, neck/pits turn dark, nose got bigger (urgh) i however got nice complexion, experience no swollen leg, not 'bad' fatigue 😊
I have 3 boys and symptoms are all not the same since every pregnancy is different. I know the gender when I'm ard 12 weeks via NIPT blood test. It's costly but able to detect varieties of abnormalities and the test is 99% accuracy.
My bump was sharp, my boy was very active when he was in my tummy, i had spicy cravings and coke cravings which I don't even consume before pregnancy and also my first trimester was horrible i had terrible morning sickness
Hi. I got really really bad morning sickness, nausea and every possible kinds of things a pregnant person can experience. Really bad. I was my firstborn is a girl and i had none of what i experienced for my boy now.
It differs from a person to person . I gave birth to a boy too , no symptoms of nausea . Little to no acne problem . But !!!! I will not dress up . Very haggard that kind . Just want to eat and sleep
I got to know the sex at Week 12 -13 when I did the harmony test. They manage to found out the gender via blood test. Symptoms for mine is bad outbreak on my face but i guess everyone is different.