baby is allergy to formula milk or breastmilk

Hi mummies, my baby is 4months now and suffers from eczema which started on her cheeks n eventually spread to arms n legs, I was told that shes having allergy, but not sure about the source, could be what I eat, thru breastfeeding (bottled day feed) which causes allergy , or formula milk ( night feed). She recommended some brands with HA , and my aunt recommend me isomil soy milk. Which is better ? Any recommendation? Or any advise on what could be the cause?

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Some babies may be allergic to cow’s milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, gluten etc. It’s best if you can bring your baby to a PD to do a skin prick. My baby did hers at 4 months due to eczema too. I was exclusively breastfeeding her. It turns out that she is allergic to peanuts through the skin prick results and possibly tree nuts. I immediately cut all peanuts, almonds and walnuts from my diet and her skin became better within 2 weeks.

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Super Mom

When the baby's a bit older, maybe around 6 months, you can bring her to hospital to do a skin prick test to find out if she has allergy. Soy milk doesn't have the same nutritional values so better to find cows milk formula with hydrolysed protein. Our doctor recommends Nutramigen or alimentum however my baby doesn't like the taste of those. She's now drinking Aptamil Allerpro, you can give it a try. Or any HA brand should be good too

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4y trước

Hi, may I know if Aptamil Allerpro taste better than Nutramigen? My baby just diagnosed cows' milk protein allergy, Dr recommended Nutramigen but he refused and vomited whenever gave him.

Super Mom

Try eliminating dairy products from your diet to see if it's due to cow's milk protein allergy

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Karihome's goat milk is very similar to breast milk. Worth a try