17 Replies

My son had it too but at left bottocks. It was BGC. We went to get it check with his PD, but dont do anything it will go away. If it burst, just wipe/dab it with clean washcloth. I tried putting a lil bit of BM in the morning and night when it got burst too, and for me BM works like magic :)

VIP Member

It’s bcoz of vaccination if u done it means .. don’t rub or don’t put any ointment .. it will cure by tht way ..

Super Mum

The BCG mark can swell and have some discharge. If he gets fever/other infective symptoms, bring him to see a doctor

Bcg. My LO also like that, but if burst and green liquid come out do see a doc. My child happen on 1month plus.

Super Mum

Looks like BCG mark. My LO had it on her buttocks, it looked the same & after that slowly subsided.

VIP Member

Look like vaccination jub, but do try to consult PD?

Bcg? Get it check if you are worry!

VIP Member

BCG. it will burst and it'll be ok.

VIP Member

It's the bgc jab my son has it too

VIP Member

Do bring your child to the pd asap

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