43 Các câu trả lời

hi mummy! 😀 for my experience, i called the nearest (Klinik Kesihatan Ibu Anak) KKIA to my house first n check boleh x dtg utk buku pink.and minta dia explain semua including docs yg perlu bawak.different clinic maybe different requirement.so u better call first. my KKIA suruh bawa :- sijil nikah, bil air sbb nak tgk address terap kita, ic kita n husband. And one more is scan result dr private clinic sbb nurse nak tgk kedudukan baby..nurse suggested i pegi clinic private utk scan dlu n bring the scan result before dtg ke kkia.

If government clinic, better you go as early as possible to avoid long hours of waiting. I suggest go at 730 in the morning 😉🤙 I dont have experience for private clinic Edited: Suggested to go after two months pregnancy which is after 8-12 weeks since the baby will be more clearer in the scan. Oh ya, before go to the clinic, make sure to call/make appointment first. If not, you will waste your time to go to another day of doc's appoinment

For first time, you can bring your upt as proof of pregnancy. I advice you go after 9 am because they'll be busy in the morning handling patients with appointments. Then they'll do your urine and blood test and assign your nurse. She will be your caretaker throughout your pregnancy. For me, I go to private for ultrasound scanning, government for my blood work. Prenatal vitamins given free at KK, so you can save money there. Good luck and hope everything goes well.

Saya before pergi KK.. Saya buat pengesahan dekat swsta pagi, doc akn bg gmbr scan.. Lps setel smuany kt swsta, I trus booking date hari yg sama utk KK dlm tghari (tujuan buka buku pink) tetapi bila dekat sana dyorg minta i/c pastu tunjuk scan td kemudian dyorg bagi kekosongan date kt kita for scan dan buka buku pink.. Dyorg ada bg satu list utk kita buka buku pink 1) 2 salinan i/c suami&isteri 2)2 salinan surat nikah 3)bil air @ bil api orginal 4)scan (Jika ada) 5) kad mengdung lama (utk baby next)

sy pergi nak buka buku dkt kk then nurse yg jaga dpan pintu tu just ambil gambar yg scan perut tu ja..tulis nama ic alamat ,nama suami semua..nt diorang call..tp smpai sekrang belum dapat call pun..now dah msuk 3mth dh kndungan..risau juga kot diorang bg tercicir gambar yg kita bagi.. xpasal nanti ckap kita pula yg lewat pegi buka buku..dh pegi awal kena balik sb proaedur covid katanya diorang xbagi walk in🙄

follow up semula sis..call je kk..goggle je no kk

for me pulak kena suruh laju² pg buka buku at 7 week..sbb high risk pregnancy..They said once get pregnant need to open book ASAP .. cause miscarriage tends to happen for those with PCOS.. but the nurse keep asking why I didn't come earlier 😅.. how should I know ..I feel normal ..no allergies before I was confirmed with child .. so the document they ask was copy of my IC only .. and address .. everything was free ..

Mine i da cakap before this pernah miscarriage n pcos pun still bg appointment date on 10th week.. now baru 9w.. assuming baby is growing healthily kat dalam. Doakan i sihat sampai cukup bulan.. n baby is doing well also 😊

Kalau di KK kawasan saya kena call dulu untuk buat appointment katanya untuk mengelakkan pelanggan tunggu lama. Lepas tu nanti akan ada nurse yang incharged untuk kampung kita call tanya maklumat2 penting macam nama, ic, nama suami, pekerjaan suami isteri, alamat tempat tinggal, mak/ayah ada penyakit serius atau tak, ibu mengandung ada penyakit/tak dan sbginya.

I registered with KK once i found out i am pregnant 6 weeks. Just bring my ic and need to fill up buku pink. You need to go early 7am / 730am to avoid any lateness. Sebab kalau datang lambat, habis lambat 😘

hi mommies sorry2, baru dapat baca semua comments.

mcm sy preg 9weeks pg kk bg ic, ckp nk scan diorg akn buat scan utk tau brpa week kita preg..sy scan sbb sy lupa tarikh last priod😅..diorg just amik tekanan drh pstu tnggu..buku pink diorg xbuat lg sbb kndung kecik lg..nurse yg hndle dia ckp nnti 2nd scan klau da nmpk kndungan besar sikit bru buat buku pink..klau kecik lg diorg hold dlu..kena bwk ic, sjil nikah ngan ic suami

For my experience, go to klinik swasta at 8weeks pregnancy, scan & ultrasound heartbeat baby, if dah dgr hearbeat baby semua then can go to KK bukak buku pink, bawa gambar scan yg dh buat dkt klinik & document.

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