tips for ease of labour
Hi Mummies, anyone here have tips to ease labour? few ppl told me to drink coconut water ard 34 weeks onwards. someone even told me to eat butter ?
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Super Mom
I think drinking coconut water is for other purpose though. Try breathing exercise; yoga and squats may be beneficial too if it's not to tiring for you
Drinking coconut water helps baby to be 'cleaner' without those white flasks during delivery. Not really sure about the ease labor part.
I heard eating 3 dates a day helps to have smooth delivery. U may try :)
I’m eating 5 Dates per day ever since I entered 3rd Trimester.
Stay active, walk more, take the stairs.
Walk more and do squats!
Influencer của TAP
Walk more and do squats.
Thành viên VIP
walk more!!
Walk more
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