Birth Elective C sect
Hi mummies. Anyone has any idea how much does elective c sect costs in KKH? How much cash in hand is needed? #pregnancy #advicepls #bantusharing #pleasehelp

Depends on whether you opt for private or subsidised. B1 (4-bedded) and A ward is considered as private which means whatever amount that is covered by Medisave, there is a certain amount that you’ll need to topup cash. You’ll also need to deposit cash upon choosing your ward, I think. B2 (6 bedded with air con & fan) and C ward is subsidised so you don’t have to pay anything, I think. You’ll be given a link to check on the estimated bill size and costs of the wards actually. I just gave birth on 19 Oct via emergency c-sect. Previously was given elective c-sect date cause baby was breech but then she turned so they cancelled my date but in the end still underwent c-sect. 😂 So when I was given the elective c-sect date, they gave me a link to check the estimated bill size based on B2 ward: Likely: $9405 Subsidised: $6305 Medisave: $3100 Which means you don’t have to topup cash. If you choose A1 or B1 wards then you’ll have to topup cash. Do note the above estimated bill size is based on NO complications. They also gave me other ward options to look at. I had complications post-pregnancy and luckily for me, I had insurance. My total bill size was $11+k before subsidy because I was hospitalised for 6 days due to pre-eclampsia (never had any problems during pregnancy) and baby was placed in phototherapy (due to jaundice) for 24hrs. After subsidy was $4+k to topup via cash but my insurance got it covered so I didn’t pay a single cent at all. Instead I was given $900 cheque for my daily hospital stay and $1+k cheque to reimburse all the appts that I went for during my pregnancy. They say $900 pre-delivery can be reimbursed back to your Medisave but I’m not sure why or how mine is as such. Maybe cause my insurance covered all costs. You should be getting an SMS with a link to check on the estimated bill size once they gave you the date for elective c-sect.
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Mummy to a baby girl