1 Replies

Super Mum

I had SPD too. Painkiller is probably the only treatment. Actually lying down to rest doesn’t make it any better, because moving/turning in bed is horribly painful too. I worked till I was 39 weeks, no choice.. you can discuss with your gynae about HL I guess.. but it’s not guaranteed. When you walk, especially up and down the stairs, turn your hips inwards when you take a step. That lessens the pain. When you sleep, use a fat bolster between your legs. And when you want to get out of bed, it’s less painful to roll out of bed. Lol. But it’s true. Turn to face the edge if the bed, then let your inner leg come down and touch the floor first. Hang in there.. the pain is much better once you deliver. For me, the pain only completely went away 5 weeks pp

Thank u mummy for sharing ur experience. Yeah, seems like i have to bear with it for few weeks.

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