14 Replies

Since u are still breastfeeding, for immed remedy, u can try taking yakult/vitagen or yoghurt. It helps. On daily basis, give more liq, papaya, prune and dragonfruit helps :) Other than that, u can try probiotics for LO's direct consumption. I am using Biogaia, works every time. But not a long term solution tho. Also, try not to feed apples and bananas during this period. Apples and bananas may cause constipation for some.

alright thank you! i will try!

My gal has the problem too and it was worse when she was on enfamil last time. I switched her to Nan and it got better. Let her drink more water . Eat P fruits like papaya,plum and Pear. Spinach and sweet potato is good too. Try to mash the food before feeding her

thank you. trying to give her more plain water and papaya!

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Boil some pearl barley water to drink or blend the cooked barley and mixed with either bm or fm (puree texture). Massage gently on the stomach and do leg cycling exercise for ur lo. (1hr before food ard 1-2hrs after food).

thank you!

Prune juice is good but it's sweet so maybe u wana give prune instead. Increase the water intake. If cannot still then increase fiber. Caz if too much fiber intake and not enough water intake will also constipate

yep, i have increased her water intake. using straw bottle now!

VIP Member

sounds like she is badly constipated due to the food. Increase the fibre intake (brocoli) Increase the liquid intake (water) You can also give prune or prune juice.

okay thank you :)

my #1 has very stubborn constipation issues and all the "remedies" not not work well.. so I took probiotics since I was still breastfeeding him at that time..it works

okay, good to know! thank you

Water, liquid based would be helpful. You may want to massage her tummy gently as well. If it persist please take to the doctors.


whenever my baby has constipation problem i will buy bottle prune juice (for baby) from the supermarket. it cures everytime !

hi, yes which brand? any pics?

give her food in the soluble fibre group. and when she is lying down, cycle her legs. this will help bowels move

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