2 Month Baby Not Sleeping

Hi mummies, my 2 month old baby doesnt sleep much in day or night... Day she will sleep while feeding... Night by 7 she will b cranky to sleep.. Sleep for 5 min then immediately wakeup.. This continues until 1.30 or later.. Then she sleepoff till 5 am..super tired as i dont have anyone to help. Any advise dear mommies..

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my lo was like yours at that age. she was going thru a growth spurt n afterwards she still cant sleep. what i found helpful was not to let her stay awake for more than 1.5hrs at a time, meaning if she wakes at 1pm, by 2.30pm i will put her to sleep. try to keep the awake time from 50min to 1.5hrs. it helped alot as she was not overtired n night time she was alot more peaceful.

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4y trước

does she take pacifiers?