Hi Mummies, my 12 week LO is on mixed feeding since day3 due to my low milk supply. He recently refused to drink Formula, only drinks bm, which doesn't seem to be enough, he does not cry for milk though drinks very little, the poo is abit watery and smelly, and not much weight gain, but previously he's born big and on 90 percentile, there was significtant weight gain during month 2. May I know what to do to make him drink enough?"

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Doesn't sound like any problem here to me. Could baby be teething that's why is is not interested or cannot sustain long interest at the milk bottle. Some babies teeth at 4 months and signs can appear up to a month before that. My boy also mix feeding that time and sometimes I need to make him drink otherwise he won't drink - if he doesn't see the milk, he won't cry for it; if he sees it or drink a bit, he will wana continue drinking lots

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