My mum likes to tell lies, say half truth or hide the truth from us. It's nt something serious but i just don like the idea of lying, and do not wish my children to be brought up in such an environment. However, my mum is the caregiver, i have the intention of pulling them out and putting them in child care but feels insecure and worried. I heard and seen too much negative incidents happening in child cares. Furthermore my mum is the kind that favors male over female. My son gets everything and anything he wants while my daughter nt only being neglected but also gt compared with son saying she is nt as gd as my son in every ways. Eg"ur bro is more lovable than u, he is cleverer than u, everyone likes him over u(daughter)" No1 20mth No2 4mth No3 on the way What will ur do?

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My parents had the same issues too, which became one of the reasons why I sent my son to childcare when he was 2 years old - we delayed it for a bit but he just wasn't making good use of his time at home (my parents gave him a lot of screen time on top of that just so he wouldn't bother them from their own TV show/mobile games). And yes, there are many "horror" stories of putting children into childcare - but there are also many good ones too! My son is in childcare for 3 months and he has learnt to be more sociable, independent and even helped with his speech delay :) He loves school so much that there was a period of time he woke up in the middle of the night fussing to go to school! If you're looking for a infant/childcare centre, this article will probably be useful for you:

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If you already have issues with your mom's style of upbringing and favouritism among your kids, it's better to make alternative arrangements for their care giving if you are a FTWM. Not all childcare have issues (and you probably choose to remember the bad incidents over the good ones ). Just need to do your homework when you have shortlisted a few childcare and go take a look at the environment or speak with parents with kids in those childcare to get their feedback. Weigh in the costs and distance of the childcare from your place, etc. I would choose to maintain a good relationship with my mom so that she can still be my backup if I need her help at times (eg. when kids are sick) rather than to keep having friction with her on upbringing styles.

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