Mother in law does not allow me to drink cold drinks at all cause it’ll cause my baby to have asthma. Not even a glass or a sip. Is this true?

Yes for me and my fren. We realize after cold drink or bbt those sweet drinks we bf our baby they will have phlegm issue. But this is like you have 1 daily basis. We tried like alternate days no issue.
My in law don't allow me to bf when I took bf safe med. We argued for this. Follow your mother instinct not theirs..
I loved cold drinks but totally avoided it during the first 3 months. More for my own health. Doubt it affects bf.
The usual issue with grandmothers is anything bad will be caused by your milk. Anything good is their Genes
That’s not true. Asthma is not caused by cold drinks.
Not true at all!!!
Not true at all.
Don't think so
Nope not true