Keep losing weight

My morning (all day) sickness is so soo bad. I've been on diclectin and it has been making me sleep throughout. I can't even eat proper food. Can't even have protein (white/red meat or fish). Only carb. I feel so guilty for not giving enough nutrition for my baby. And within 2 weeks, I've lost 2kg. Im at my 9weeks now. Is this even normal? 😢

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hi there, it is quite common to experience weight loss during the first trimester due to morning sickness and poor appetite. I also lost about 3kg between my 6 to 9 weeks appt. I've a friend who lost 7kg for the whole of her 1st trimester but she did catch up on the weight and nutrition subsequently and all was good. My gynae mentioned that there is no need worry about with losing some weight in the first trimester as it is quite common unless you're really vomiting to the extend that you're dehydrated. I also was only able to eat small meals and crackers.. anything meaty or healthy doesn't appeal to me and makes me sick. But once it gets better in the 2nd trimester, you should be able to eat better and hopefully gain all the nutrition back. Jiayou and take care..!!

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