11 Replies


hello, i had similar bleeding too at week 14.. and was as worried as u when i went to check with the gynae they said it might be implantation bleeding and baby is still alive with heart beat.. as long as it is not heavy u shouldnt worry.. but pls go check with you gynae to be safe

Thx u so much.

hello I've bleeding here and there from week 12 onwards, KKH doctors told me because I produce more blood vessel so baby could be fed thats why sometimes I bleed or nose bleed. He said as long as not huge amount but I still suggest you see doctor better

Did you walk alot? I suggest you go gynae for a check. That time i had a tear n bled quite a lot (like menses). Then was given duphaston

if worry, seek dr advice. we can only feedback based on what our doc advice its normal. i hv bleeding during tri 1.

this usually happens after rough sex for me but you might wanna go check

So relieved it's just that one time. and no other pain or cramps after that.


best to go see your gynae tomorrow to get assurance. take care sister!

Well noted. thxs sis


monitor and see your gynae if it becomes heavy

its common but not normal. do get a check ya.

VIP Member

better to check with your gynae

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