57 Replies

I am currently in my 5th month and goodness, how I love fastfood burgers and spaghetti! Factor also I guess is because Jollibee is only a minute walk from our building and Mcdonalds is like the message of Charlie Puth's song -- one call away. There were even times where I would act insane just for my husband to spoil me with my cravings. My friends though were constantly reminding me to lessen my processed food intake. For my baby's health, I am doing my best to control.

Burgers! One exhausting day at work, I ordered Burger Mcdo for merienda and it gave me the best bite I had in my entire life. I didn't know I was pregnant then and that it will be my comfort food for the next nine months

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Grabe. Sabi ng husband ko wirdo daw yung combination ng paglilihi ko. Singkamas at sampalok. Yun lang yung pinapahanap ko sa kanya before. As in every time na hindi niya nahahanap, naiirita talaga ako.

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I remember a friend who has a very unusual craving--she wanted siopao and santol combo in her first trimester. And then, she became fond of eating kimchi and ice cream combo.

I loved pomelo fruit. I was still working at that time and I would go to Rustan's grocery across our office just to buy pomelo. I had been like that for 2 straight months.

With my firstborn, i craved spaghetti from shakeys, for our second child, i craved cucumber with vinegar then with my bunso fresh buko and bbq burger in burger king...

My wife craved for buko juice. She had it once everyday. Good thing for her, she craved for something healthy and good thing for me, relatively easy to find. Lol

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sopas and buko (both meat and juice) and my hubby had the hardest time of his life as I wake him just to get me a hot sopas at random times of the day haha :')

Jambu air.. and I fly back to Kuching meeting my husband just to eat that jambu air. My husband just smiling and help me prepare the fruit.

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