Body Image Issue

Any moms or mom-to-be who has body image issue? As a kid, I was made fun of for my weight so I don’t want to gain weight at all for my pregnancy (currently 15 weeks). I also dislike the look of being heavily pregnant so I’ve been tempted to get a corset to ensure I don’t start showing. Any one went through this and have any solution or advice? I don’t want the child to be unhealthy afterall 😕 #1stpregnacy #advice #advicepls

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It's normal to feel worried about your changing body and weight for pregnancy. I was worried that I would not accept the changes but I took it better than I expected. As a background, I had eating disorder for many years and I always struggled with body image even though I'm not heavy for my height. If wanting a child in your life at this point is what you want, I would suggest focusing on that and to remind yourself that baby's growth is more important. I was quite relaxed with my pregnancy diet and ate almost everything. I did a vague calorie count but it was to make sure I consume sufficient calories for each trimester. Vague because I just did mental calculations and decided not to record all the calories (cause I know it can become an unhealthy obsession for me). I might have gained slightly less if I watched my diet but I didn't want to be too strict because I know I will struggle with rebound if I am too restrictive. I gained about 11.8kg from 48-49kg pre preg and lost 8-9kg within the first month. What probably helped me was I exercised all the way till the day I popped. I was active pre preg, and I was doing exercises I am familiar with. I had to remind myself not to go overboard too. I watched for any discomfort and I stopped when I was too tired or breathless. I also recaliberated the intensity of each exercise. By late third tri I switched to doing yoga exclusively since it was too tiring to do anything else and circuit breaker meant that pools were closed too. Do check with your doctor on embarking on any fitness regime. As for the bump, I was quite self conscious about it but partly because I didn't want people to give unsolicited advice on pregnancy. For first time mums, bumps may be smaller. Mine didn't quite show until 3rd tri and even then I could get away with wearing certain clothing that were more flattering. You can try putting on different outfits to see what works best for your changing body. If exercise is not your thing, try not to start too intensive a routine. Even taking walks or slow swim is helpful. Binding AFTER childbirth may help with the recovery, some mums also swear by post partum massages (I couldn't have cause it was still phase 1 post circuit breaker and they were not opened yet). I have not regretted having my baby and I love her so much. At 10 weeks pp I've still not lost the last 2-3kg and I'm still having soft tummy but somehow it's not bothering me as much as I imagined. Mother's love for her child can overcome many struggles. Hang in there, you can do it!

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5y ago

I will! Guess i’ll need to have lots of appointments for this pregnancy. I wasn’t diagnosed with an eating disorder so I don’t know how to get help for this thing

I used to weigh around 51kg before pregnancy, and now that I'm at 35 weeks, I've gained more than 11kg to date. Although this is my first pregnancy, my bump is larger than most people (Doc says could be due to water retention), and it makes me quite self conscious, to be honest. My hubby and in laws are very slim. My in-laws lead quite active lifestyles, even though they are in their late 50s and 60s, and they are very proud of that. So in my pre-pregnancy days, even though I'm not heavy for my height, I always felt a bit insecure compared to them. There was an occasion when my FIL made fun of my pregnancy weight gain. Like why did I gain so much weight, when the baby is still so small? He might have said it in jest, but it made me so upset, I cried for 2 days. I felt wronged also, because while I didn't watch my diet very strictly, in terms of calorie intake, I didn't pig out either. To prevent too much weight gain, I abstained from sugary food (cakes, soft drinks) and for dairy products I chose to take only non-fat/skimmed. I don't think it is possible to not gain any weight at all. My gynae advised to gain about 2kg per month from the 3rd trimester onwards, and eventually gain around 9kg in total. The weight doesn't just come from the baby. But also the extra blood to support the baby (40% more than pre-preggers), the placenta and amniotic fluid. What I told myself eventually was, to focus on my baby's growth, and ignore the unnecessary comments from other people. I also allowed myself to indulge a bit more in terms of food options (durian season hehe), and I think it made me a happier person. My prenatal course trainer told me I will likely lose most of the weight fast, since most of it is water retention. I hope what she says is true, but I think even if it's not, I can work on my weight after delivery. And I can probably accept not going back to my pre-pregnancy weight, since it's more important that my baby is healthy and happy. Take care! Don't pay heed to people who talk s***. It's always easy for them to say. Try not to stress too much.

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5y ago

He probably didn't think much when he said it. I also had people asking if I'm carrying twins since my bump is big, but I just laugh it off now. For the water retention thing, I was told by my doctor and also my prenatal course trainer who used to be a midwife at the hospital. I'm not sure how they can tell, but I think it's true bcos I had diarrhea once, and the mild swelling in my legs went down, and I lost some weight.

Corset is a big no. baby needs space to grow and wearing that will defect baby's physical growth. you want your baby to grow his/her arms and legs properly right? of course. so don't wear it now. cn wear it aft giving birth to get bck in shape. baby is already pretty tight in our tummy what more wearing corset. the heart may not function properly. im not a doc but yeah baby needs to wiggle ard. same like us, we need space. jz eat healthyly, healthy amt and drink water. i too worry abt my wt and will alwaes ask my husband if im fat. haha. but for baby's sake, ill eat what ever to provide for my baby. now enjoy maternity look ya. you cn try buy nice matenity dress. you are lucky that you are able to conceive and be a mother. so enjoy. eat healthyly, be stress free and baby will come out healthy and beautiful. take good care of yourself and baby. Hugs. You can do it!!

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5y ago

I will 🥰

Hi. Corset will harm your fetus. It needs room to grow in the tummy and corset will constraint it. so please don't ever have the thought of this. all mummy gain weight during pregnancy due to baby growth because of the fetus weight and all the water retention which you can't avoid. what you can do is control your eating but don't starve yourself. eat in small portion but often. Pregnancy tends to give individual more craving and turn to more sweet stuff. You can try eat more fruits instead of junks for sweet things. what my sister told me when I was pregnant is to not gain more than 10kg than your current weight else it will be harder to shred it. also wear compression stocking. this will help with the water retention. every mommy's journey is different. take one day at time and keep reminding yourself at the end of the day you are taking care if 2 lives. Jia You!

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VIP Member

I am a large woman. When i knew i was pregnant, my weight was 126kg. But guess what, my gynae told me that I can grow up to 140kg and the baby will still be healthy. To my supprise, i don't gain at all. I lose abt 20kg as I feel my love towards the baby and feed myself with healthy food. Throughout my pregnancy, nobody knows. Even when I said I am pregnant and need seats in public, they said are you sure you are pregnant? I am sure you are just fat. But i don't despair, i keep being positive. When I was 30 weeks pregnant, i start showing and the bump looked very round and I am super happy. My baby was born last year at 2.6kg and till now, she is already 1 year old. Inmake it a point to keep feeding her healthy food. ❤️ Don't worry about what people said. Only you and your baby matters.

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VIP Member

Please do not think about the weight , after delivery you will gradually lose all your weight. The life growing inside you is more important than people's opinion even I was always made fun of my weight in my teens but I never cared ..but when I was pregnant my family would stuff me with food they would bring whatever I craved to eat, showed so much love. If your family cares about you and the baby then they would never make fun of you instead they will shower you with all the love dear.. So enjoy your pregnancy not think about people's opinion, eat whatever you want to (helathy though) ☺️ you have to take care of the baby and yourself

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me, i had bad anxiety n almost fell into depression. ive always had body image issues whether pregnant or not n i wasnt super big size to begin with. i was about 49kg pre preggers n 65kg at the end, i cried everyday n hurt myself by burning my arm n thighs but i still ate n tried exercising abit as i did not want to harm my baby. now im 6mo postpartum n my body with exercise n bf is going back to my original weight but still about 6-7kg heavier, dont worry, the weight will go, so what if ure fat when pregnant? as long as baby is healthy all haters can go screw themself.

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5y ago

yes i felt that way throughout my entire pregnancy, i’ve already struggled with depression n anxiety before i was pregnant n all that additional weight n changes to my body during pregnancy didnt make it better. im just really thankful for my bf n friend for always encouraging me. i was forced to abort twice by my parents n ex, that took a huge toll on my mental health as well.. so really, i dont regret having my little girl, for her ill live n id do it all over again if it means i get to wake up everyday to her smile. i hope u feel better soon n have a healthy n smooth pregnancy journey as well as a healthy baby. u can definitely get back your body post pregnancy n honestly just remember that people’s opinion dont matter

Corset could restrict your blood flow that would endanger you and would affect your fetus’ source of nutrients. It won’t directly hurt your baby. It could be used for easing lower back pain. A loving mother will sacrifice everything for his/ her child. It’s given that your physical appearance will encounter changes. Don’t mind criticisms of others. Think about your child’s welfare. Bawi kanalang pagkapanganak mo momshie.

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I was made fun of my weight when I was a kid. I personally feel that do what is best for yourself and your baby. Other people’s opinions are theirs and they are not carrying your baby. Ever since I got pregnant, i told myself as long as my baby is growing healthily inside of me, everything else does not matter. So do embrace the pregnancy and your body for this 9 months. Every mummies are beautiful 😉

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5y ago

Wow i hope mine goes like yours. Thanks so much for sharing your experience 😊

I don’t know if your body image or growing your fetus healthily more important. I was being made fun of when young and even when I was pregnant as well, but why should we acknowledge them? We have a precious life growing in us and that is all that matters

5y ago

Honestly... i don’t either... part of me is trying to remain as small as possible. I really hate baby bumps. But part of me really wants to have a kid. I have to also know that i’ll lose 1/2 my family if i chose the kid