6 months old purée

Hey moms my baby is starting solid foods and weaning and recommended food/purée I can make for her?

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I gave oatmeal cereal to my baby first. I’m currently using Gerber organic cereal oatmeal (green packaging) and rice (blue packaging) as it has iron which is important for baby’s cognitive and immune system development. I mix it together with warmed breast milk. You can use formula milk too. After that, you can slowly add vegetables like carrots, butterscotch pumpkin, potato, baby spinach, kale, corn, tomato, cauliflower, broccoli etc. I personally give more baby spinach as it is one of the richest iron food. You can give fruits like apple, banana, blueberry, avocado etc in between as well. For example of what I did — I steamed apple plus carrot plus (a bit) baby spinach into purée. Or banana plus avocado. There’s a lot more combinations. You can try one ingredient first to see what your baby really likes and test for allergies. The max ingredients I would mix is 3. I do not do this everyday because I’m a working mother so sometimes I will buy purée packets from the supermarkets. Alternatively, you can do BLW too. I have yet to do this so I couldn’t advise further. You may Google for more information. Remember every babies are different so it takes time for your little one to taste the different food and textures. Their main source of nutrients still come from milk. Hope it has helped you a bit! 😁

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1t trước

Thank uu sm for the information ahh!! 🤍💪

Hi! I did purely smooth puree and only one single food at 6 months then started to serve 2 types of purées at 7 months, and started cutting foods into very small pieces instead from 8m. These were some foods I tried in order! The list goes on so feel free to walk around grocery store and just get whatever baby hasn't tried haha. Just make sure you know which are allergens and how to cut and cook so as to prevent choking :) Purées: - oatmeal + milk - sweet potato - carrot - prunes - broccoli - avocado - corn - cucumber - spinach - cherry tomatoes - egg yolk (allergen) + milk - strawberry - banana - blueberry (choking hazard) - peanut butter (allergen) Finely cut: - orange - raspberry - kiwi - dragonfruit - pear (cooked) - grapes (peeled) - longan - chicken - peas - bread (allergen)

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you can google for info