8weeks pregnant
Hi mommys out there... Im wondering if i can drink milo or holicks..??is it safe..??any idea..??TIA..

Milo is okay, i drank all them time before and after my pregnancy. Holicks maybe not so much as i find it very sweet and i have history of gestational diabetes so must be very careful with sweert stuff.
Hello mummy, I think it might be better if you drink milk for calcium, I’m currently taking goats milk, Susu Juna. I’m sorry but not sure bout Milo & Horlicks oops 😬
Tks alot ya for the info..
it’s fine. i took milo everyday throughout my pregnancy. unless u have GD then better to not. everything is safe to eat in moderation
Tks alot ya for the info
Yes its fine but be careful on your sugar intake. Maybe don't add any sugar or condense milk if possible
I drank too! It’s like one of the few drinks I can stomach due to nausea and vomiting
Yes you can. I drank Milo during my pregnancy as well.
I drank milo thru out pregnancy keep craving for it.
In moderation as to prevent GDM
Yes of cz