6 weeks 2 days=)
Hi mommy! Currently I'm 6 weeks 2 days having like vomiting, headache and feverish. Any tips or remedy for it? Can I eat asam for stop vomiting? -1st pregnancy after 2 years of waiting. tq in advance

i used to cook porridge with ginger in it. Ginger lessen the vomiting for me. I also used to drink ribena but have to stop because too sweet. Sometimes i still take if i can't stand vomiting too much. But best is to drink lots of water. Mineral water if you have sensitive taste.
makan sikit2 tapi selalu. pastikan perut tak kosong. muntah itu biasa jadi kena biasakan, walaupun pahit nak mengharunginya. 😂. insyaAllah itu tanda2 baby kita sihat.
Try acid folic, saya dr first week teruk muntah2, Dr suruh makan acid folic, sekarang dah 6 week tak ada langsung rasa nak muntah kecuali kalau bau busuk..
I wont recommend asam, spicy foods and oily foods. U can try mentos rainbow or plum candy🍬. Find what makes u feel better and make it your bestfriend 😉
makan buah2han puan asam x berapa elok , saya pernah cuba tp rasa x berkesan still muntah lps mkn asam.mkn buah tmbikai
hi..i vomited up to 4 mnths....i would suggest ypu to take water melon....it will be good for u n baby.....
i dint knw about it....when i ask the doc he say can eat it....n its good...it makes us to have enough water in the body....the entire for month of vomiting....that was my daily food day n night. ...coz i cant consume anything....i manage to get pregnant after 7 years n now i am in 18 weeks d....
try jambu air . or kalau ada bajet lebih minum jus mamariam . sedap . dan buat bdn bertenaga . muntah pun tak .
Hoping for a child