6 week 3 days pregnant
I cannot eat home made food and like vomiting...

hehe. sometimes me too. but i always talk to myself and imagine outside food not clean. dont know how they clean the things before cook. do they use clean water?? do they wash those chickens properly?? how if got food poison. just to console myself not to eat outside food much unless it cooked on the spot. sometimes i dont bother those questions and just eat. haha.
Đọc thêmsmla mcm sy dlu pn mcmtu juga..sy try n error smua mknan..mana yg blh msuk.tu sy mkn..mcm.dlu blh mkn bubur nsi..abis smua jnis bubur sy try mkn..bubur ayam.mcd..chicken texas..marrybrown...bubur ayam dkt pasar mlm..😂😂✌tu je yg blh dterima ketika itu termsuk mknn yg ada sup2.. mcm bihun sup.. #TAPSupermoms
Đọc thêmsame as my wife. especially curry. she vomits almost everyday. she can only eat what she feels like eating at that point of time.. any other will get instant vomit.
sama lah sis... sy dah masuk 19week pon masih kena beli mknn kat luar... boleh masak utk husband n ank² tp xboleh nk mkn... #TAPSupermoms
Đọc thêmI pun mcm tu... I x selera mkn, I mkn buah jambu batu sis... Sgt membantu... Lg pun bole naikkn hb org kata... Hihi.. Cuba la..
Same me... Start from 1st trimester untill now dah 2nd trimester mkn luar je perut xleh support muntah je klau masak sendiri
sameeee ! i baru nak start masak je dah muntah ! hahahaha dont worry, try to follow your body at this time around.
I didn't cook the first 10 weeks, now reaching 17 weeks I couldn't eat what my husband cooks 😅
Im not eat well for a month.. But make sure u eat vitamins ok.. Fruit every day..
Try to eat some watermelon 🍉.. Its works for me when im feeling nausea..