Klinik ibu dan anak
Hi. Currently I'm 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. When I need to register in klinik for pink book? What are the documents I need bring along? Tq in advance=)

Hi.. saya baru 8 mggu n mggu dpn which is 8.5.2020 kne pergi private utk scan then baru buat buku pink..btw..kalau nk buat buku..tp kte tkde sijil nikah / copy sijil nikah yang tok kadi bg tu(hilang) mcm mne ye? Sbb nikah 15.3.2020 18.3.2020 trus PKP..Tk boleh nk buat sijil nikah😭
Đọc thêmBawa salinan ic suami & isteri, salinan surat nikah..nnt nurse akan stapler kat blkg buku pink tu..tujuannya nk mudahkan suami masa nk daftar anak kat jpn sbb biasa da pantang kat kg document tu xde kat kita kan..tapi kalau utk 2nd pregnancy bwa skali buku pink msa anak pertama..tu je ..
Kena bebel dgn nurse je rasanya. Sbb haritu ada akak tu hilangkan buku Pink anak dia yg sebelum. Kena ceramah jelah kt situ.
hye shirlene... maybe we have around the same duedate... in december rite... 😊😊.. i'm also 7 weeks... i'hve get my pink book yesterday... just bring mummy & daddy ic and marriage certificate... 😊
Me too in December......21/12/20....
Hi! The best is go to any nearest KK or KD, set an appointment whenever your pregnancy reaching week 8 to 10. Once the appointment is set, they’ll give you notes on what to bring for the appointment. 🤗
Tahniah ya. Nnt bawa bersama 1 salinan sijil nikah, salinan film scan kt swasta tu. Before got to kk better make a call first to get appointment date
Bole buka tp depend on kk ada yang bg bkk buku pink awal around 5weeks ada yang 7 week keatas better before dtg kol dlu kk
Congtraz mummy... Plz bring your fotostat copy Ic your n husband n married certificate n scan foto for reference..
hi congrats! better go after 8 weeks. bring along original sijil kahwin.
just bring your sijil nikah or kad nikah..
Young Mom