High chair for 6m baby

Hi mommy.. please adv what high chair is suitable for 6m baby (cant sit yet) and can use for longer period. Just looking Puku is Ok. Feel free to share mommy ?

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Should wait till baby can sit before putting in high chair Used ikea But there is cushions if u wanna pad it

Try ikea. Maybe can have some pillow to support the back if you feel that the chair is too hard

Is the back side of ikea chair is hard ? scare to hurt baby back as he havent sit yet ?🤔

Ikea ,also sell cushion, cheaper at durable

Thành viên VIP

You can check out high chair at IKEA

Thành viên VIP

Can check out those from ikea

Thành viên VIP

I got mine at IKEA

Super Mom

Joie high chair

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lucky baby

I using ikea

6y trước

IKEA does sell infant insert cushion. Alternately you may put small pillow at the back like how I did! :)