Sunat (Female Genital Mutilation) for baby girl

Hi mommies..Sunat is common for Malay Singaporean..I’m doubt for doing sunat/fgm to my baby girl cause i read article from WHO but my parents and parents in law ask me for doing sunat to their grandchildren cause in the past, I and my sister in law also sunat/FGM..Does anyone do sunat for their baby girl?or not do sunat? Could you share with me? Thanks a lot

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It is not compulsory to do it for female, as it is not written in the Quran or Sunnah of the prophet Mhmd ( saw). But if you want to do it, its up to you and your husband. For my side, Both me and my husband dun allow as it is not compulsory, even my in laws will tell us to.

4y trước

Yeah you’re right that it’s not compulsory...thank you for your sharing 😊

Thành viên VIP

Sunat for hygiene. Its better

4y trước

I see...thanks 😊