Any risk for getting pregnant too fast after the 1st?

Hi Mommies! Wondering if your doctors mentioned any risks for getting pregnant again too fast after your first? My first kid is 5months when I found out about my 2nd pregnancy, and I'm wondering if there's any health or pregnancy risk to that? (Is my case considered fast even?) Thanks in advance! #pregnancy #advicepls #worryingmom

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Did you have a c-sect for your firstborn? If yes then it’ll be a risk because depends on individual, it will take 6-24 months to heal. And the risk of having a uterine rupture is higher than those who had normal birth. So usually doctors advise c-sect moms to wait for at least 1 year before trying to get pregnant again. If you had a normal birth, I think it’s quite safe to be pregnant within the year provided you are comfortable and do not have any bleeding whatsoever.

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not fast, normal. just be sure to discuss the method of the delivery with gynae