Gripe water

Hi mommies. Urgent. Anyone gave LO gripe water? How many weeks can i give? My LO is 1 week old now.

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Hi... Pediatrician-recommended gripe water can be delivered orally with a syringe and is suitable for babies from 2-weeks-old to 6-months-old. There's also no additives in this gripe water, making it a safer alternative for infant tummy troubles

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Best to check with the pd. Don't remember giving gripe water to LO at one week old, remember it was only after three months i think.

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I thought breast milk is sufficient for LO up until 6 months? Why do we need to give gripe water?

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Yes, gave at 2mo. Rmb to check the amount stated on the box.

I didn’t give. Maybe check with PD

I gave my baby at 3 months old!

Mine at 2 months

Check with Pd

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