helper or child care?

Hi mommies! Do you think having a helper or send our baby to childcare is better?

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my own opinion,i prefer helper becos they will be more concentrate in taking care of the baby, if childcare... the ppl there might not totally take care of her as there are other baby too and baby also will get sick easily from other baby

Cc has programmes to follow, there are eyes everywhere watching. Definitely a better choice if you want lo to learn more things and safe.

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For me I would prefer helper if there is parent or parent-in-law staying to keep watch of helper while I am at work. :)

It depends on what you expect for your baby. For me, I'll have them in childcare. At least they can play & learn

I prefer childcare because LO can interact with other kids. Helper I'm worried about getting a disastrous one...

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Childcare as they can learn new things in school and interact with their friends.

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If privacy and finance is not an issue to you, then consider hiring a helper.

I would prefer helper as that ways I am also be able to be around the child

Super Mom

If you trust your helper then helper.. If not childcare.

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Childcare would be a better option (: