Perlu beli ke botol susu & breast pump?

Hi mommies, sy first time mom. Sy dah start beli brg2 keperluan baby dari skrang . Sy mmg plan nk breastfeed for the first 3 months. Then after that, akan masuk kerja. From newborn to 3months tu perlu tak sy beli botol susu & breast pump? Atau sy perlu beli yg 3m ke atas je terus? Setahu sy botol susu & puting baby are different according to baby’s age. Pls correct me if I’m wrong 🙏 #pleasehelp #firstbaby

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Bagi saya, kalau berkemampuan sila lah beli breastpump. Silap saya dulu tak beli breast pump awal², nak marmet saya tak larat habis bengkak susu 😅 Kalau nak kenalkan anak botol susu, better start with puting yg size 0m+ supaya baby tk nipple confuse

11mo trước

Hehe okay mommy, thanks for sharing

it's ok beli utk preparation. Kalau masuk kerja meaning awk akan guna breast pump dan botol susu. Even if surirumah atau WFH pun xsalah beli utk preparation. Sometimes mungkin susu kita skit so nk guna pump sbg power pumping.

kalau memang nak biasakan waktu pumping boleh train diri dari awal pam. boleh join group 'happy breastfeeding' dekat fb. banyak info bf kat sana

bley je bli.. mcm sye bby warded.. sye je bley blek.. memg sgt bguna breast pump tu..

11mo trước

Noted mommy, thanks for info ^^

boleh je