3 Replies

I didn't have the problem when I change to stage 2 milk. But I think it's more of the solids - whenever I feed my baby vege-related solids, the poo sure to be hard or harder side. So I have been feeding water too and adding some water to the store bought purée then it was better. To find out, u can try one day don't feed solids and see if the poo got improve. I did that (not intentionally) - then that day and next day s*** were all the more cream kind My baby potatoes, carrot, spinach, avocado, rice cereal - all will hard s***. So I just dilute more and give water

Yes i experienced similar situation as you before. Have you tried giving her water. You mentioned constipated, how many days has it been? Also how old is you lo, it is normal for lo to be constipated too. Dont fret for now :)

Actually she still poos daily but is the very hard kind until her butt red red and have to squeeze several times a day to get all out. I give her water quite often. Actually I didn't want to change to Enfamil 2 at first Coz 1 is until 1 yo while 2 is 6mo to 2yo. Not sure why overlap

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