9 Replies

Super Mum

You can take antacid to stop the heartburn. I had bad heartburn in 3rd trimester too. Someone told me it means baby will have lots of hair ☺️(and it's true!)

I thought it was suppose to be tummy itchy baby will have lots of hair ?

Normal as baby is growing and pressing on all your organs hence the heartburn. Will only go away after birth though so no choice have to bear with it.

Yups its very normal :) I did a lot of light yoga i followed thru in an app. Helps with the heartburn and gas.

me too. happening since start of second trimester and still ongoing till now

Me too. Started having heartburn since week 28 And I have to rely Gaviscon

Happened to me too, don’t lie down after meal!


same thing happened with me in my 3rd trimester

yaa...it happens


me too 😔

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