gov or private?
hi mommies.. mind to share, which hospital u choose to deliver your baby? private or gov? which one is the best for the 1st baby?

sya 2x dah beranak di hoapital gov sis, 2 2 layanan mmg ok. sya boleh masuk 1st class tp sya xnak.saya lebih suka join 3rd class sbb boleh sharing pengalaman dgn orang lain sekeliling.kdg2 bila kita nk pergi toilet ke mandi ke boleh mintak tolong katil sebelah tolong tengok2kn anak kita.pasal layanan masa beranak.2 2 bagus.xde masalah.2x kali beranak pun sya tetap dilayan oleh bidan perempuan je.xpernah dulu doktor lelaki yg handle. kdg2 bergantung dgn kita juga sis,kita lebih2 diorang pun xsuka. diorang pun manusia jg.yang penting kita niat dan doa byk2 sis spy dimana saja kita beranak sentiasa dipermudahkan.✌
Đọc thêmgovernment because last time I went for private check up they say I needed a c- section. why I needed it wasn't explained properly so I headed to governments hospital. and immediately they say my baby was head down and I don't need a C-section , I can deliver him normally. everything really depends on which hospital you're going. if private ones are actually honest to you. then you're good to go. imagine paying before you decide. because delivering a baby isn't long and you get to go home on that day. so it's basically your choice. both hospital are the same. the only difference is the price range
Đọc thêmGovernment hospital is more preferred. Sebab kalau ada complications ke, private hospital tolak ke government jugak sebab government hospital banyak pakar. And pernah jadi someone pergi check kat private hospital and doktor kata kandungan dia dah gugur, even suggest cuci rahim. Tapi dia pergi government hospital check lagi rupanya tak gugur pun, in fact dia mengandung anak kembar.
Đọc thêmPrivate mahal tp kalau ada bajet, boleh gi private.. Cuma tengok jugak pada keadaan mommy, ada masalah masa pregnant ke tak.. Kalau ada masalah better awal2 masuk gov.. Sebab kalau kena stay hosp lebih lama, merana la nak bayar kos duduk wad.. Tp kalau pregnant sume ok, pergi la private.. Dari segi layanan tu kat private pun ada jugak nurse yg teruk.
Đọc thêmKalau kata nak masuk gov, boleh survey awal2 hosp yg layanan ok.. Tp kalau ada bajet, masuk private best la sikit..
gov hospital is much better now.. i spent money for confinement lady.. for me better kluarkn duit utk pulihkan badan kita dr kos private hospital yg cuma 2hr 1mlm dh almost 3000.. melainkan klu rajin utk tungku badan sendri for at least 2x per day, ok je bersalin private hospital 😄😄
Im chose private.. coming soon i will hve 1st baby. Private also have specialist on maternity. You can choose which private you want. My sister used to attend, from her experienced i got info. Since 1st baby my mother & MIL , FIL and husband want to nearby . 😅 while Gov If you lucky only you husband.
Đọc thêmGovernment, terpulang individu masing masing, saya mampu tapi pilih gov. Pada saya gov bagus, kelengkapan penuh. Anak pertama gov. Nurse pun bagus dan faham kita menjadi ibu pertama. Mungkin saya tak merunggut banyak kot.
ada budget, bole pilih private. standby je la RM kan. Kalau bole tahan dengan suasana hospital kerajaan, bole ke hospital kerajaan. Pilihan masing2. di private ibaratnya boleh "1 kampung" datang tunggu 😅. Kerajaan husband je... gituuuu 😝
i also first baby going to be delivered in august and even privert more comfortable but if you thing about saftey first mybe best choice will be in govement..first baby we dont know the complication and it also safe your money..
if private,much better u choose full payment patients in gov hospital.half the price u would pay at private but standards like private.i personally would choose gov. its better to save those extra for the baby.
Momma to three ??❤